Everyday Anxiety Strategies for Early Years (EASEY) at Home
Free and accessible resources
The precious years of infancy and early childhood are a wonderful time to support your child’s mental health. Mental health challenges can affect many aspects of a young child’s life and can often be difficult for parents* and caregivers to recognize and respond well to.
As children take their first steps and put their first words together, they also experience other firsts—first fears, frustrations and tearful separations. It’s normal for young children to feel a wide range of unpleasant feelings, such as fear, stress and anxiety. They show us their distress through a wide range of behaviours, from crying, withdrawing, shouting, and being overly eager to please. Other behaviours may include refusal, avoidance, tantrums, anger, physical complaints, sleep or toileting issues, and increased clinging. At this age, a distressed child can’t yet calm or soothe themselves, nor can they use the more typical coping strategies. They still need our help.
As the most important influence in your child’s world, you can do a lot to help them with their fears, anxiety and stress by nurturing and responding to them, and guiding them through safe experiences.
Taking care of your child also means taking care of yourself and drawing from the support of your community and cultural practices.
These resources are designed to build the confidence and capacity of parents* in British Columbia to support the unique needs of young children experiencing mild to moderate levels of anxiety and stress.
*In all of these resources, the word “parent” means any adult who is the main caregiver of a child from birth through age six.
Important! Young children with more complex and challenging lived experiences will require more support and intervention than the “everyday” anxiety strategies these resources can provide. Here are some helpful resources for parents in British Columbia:
The growth journey
Click on the titles below to see related resources.
Resource topics at a glance
Soothing senses through play
How play and time in nature can create a sense of calm and well-being in your child (and for you too!)
Helping with anxiety and transitions
How to recognize the many faces of anxiety and support your child through times of separation
Taking care of your family means taking care of yourself too
Ways to connect with yourself and your community
Recognizing and handling stress in your child
Common sources and signs of stress in the early years, and ways to reduce stress in your home
Facing and growing with fears
How to help your child with their fears
Weathering the stormy feelings
How to guide your child through big emotions by letting them borrow your calm
Soothing senses through play
How play and time in nature can create a sense of calm and well-being in your child (and for you too!)
Helping with anxiety and transitions
How to recognize the many faces of anxiety and support your child through times of separation
Taking care of your family means taking care of yourself too
Ways to connect with yourself and your community
Recognizing and handling stress in your child
Common sources and signs of stress in the early years, and ways to reduce stress in your home
Facing and growing with fears
How to help your child with their fears
Weathering the stormy feelings
How to guide your child through big emotions by letting them borrow your calm