6. Tying It All Together Copy

6. Tying It All Together

In this section, you will:

  • review concepts covered in each section of the course
  • confirm that you have completed the course
  • receive a certificate of completion
  • download the EASE lessons

Activity: Revisit what you’ve learned

Click on the titles below to read a summary of each course section. 

  • You learned that anxiety disorders are the most prevalent mental health concern among B.C. students, that they can be managed using evidence-based strategies, and that all students can benefit from learning to use these strategies before anxiety becomes a problem.
  • You were introduced to cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), one of the most successful approaches for treating anxiety, and you were shown how the EASE lessons align with the CBT model.
  • You were reminded that the EASE lessons do not include prescriptive instructions for including Indigenous ways of knowing but can be adapted to include teachings from the community in which you are working.
  • You tried calm breathing and thought about ways to integrate a calm breathing practice into your everyday routines with students.
  • You explored the meaning of “mental health” and ways in which educators can support positive mental health outcomes for students by building protective factors at school.
  • You learned some concrete ways to support student mental health, by reducing stigma, teaching skills like stress reduction and conflict management, encouraging healthy risk-taking, and communicating openly with parents and caregivers.
  • You reflected on ways to take care of your own mental health, such as staying active, eating healthy foods, getting enough sleep, thinking helpful thoughts, connecting with something bigger than yourself, and connecting with your support network.
  • You did an activity called “Using Your Senses to Be Mindful” and considered ways to regularly use this strategy with students.
  • You saw some ways in which Mrs. Lee and Mr. Joseph support their students’ mental health, and reflected on one new thing you can do right away to do the same in your school.
  • You learned that anxiety is an emotional response to a real or perceived threat and that it can be helpful in some situations and unhelpful in others.
  • You reviewed some differences between everyday and problem anxiety and the factors that mental health professionals consider when diagnosing an anxiety disorder.
  • You learned about the fight-flight-freeze response and the physical symptoms that accompany anxiety, like sweating, trembling, rapid heartbeat, dry mouth, stomach ache, dizziness and headache.
  • You reviewed, practised, and reflected on the EASE lessons Learning About Worries and Body Awareness, and read how other educators use them.
  • You considered ways in which you could support a student like Kofi, a Kindergarten student whose internal alarm is triggered by many everyday school situations.
  • You learned that anxiety can look different from person to person and from one situation to another. You thought about situations where you feel anxious and how that anxiety impacts the way you act.
  • You explored the connections between thoughts, feelings and behaviours, and how changing one can change the others.
  • You tried some gentle stretches to improve concentration, and you thought about ways to use movement breaks with students.
  • You learned about some common anxiety-related behaviours like avoidance, fidgeting, inattention, physical aggression and excessive silliness.
  • You read how anxiety impacts learning by interfering with concentration and memory, achievement levels, behaviour, attendance, socialization, work completion and avoidance.
  • You reviewed, practised and reflected on the EASE lessons Helpful and Unhelpful Thinking and Taking Brave Steps, and read how other educators use them.
  • You considered ways that you could support someone like Sidney, a Grade 4 student whose anxiety-related behaviour looks different across many situations.
  • You reflected on the routines and practices you currently use to create a calm and consistent climate, and read how other educators do the same.
  • You tried doing some progressive muscle relaxation to break the feedback loop that sustains anxiety and thought about ways to use this strategy with students.
  • You read about some short-term interventions to support students who are anxious, like starting the day slowly, establishing a quiet space for students to go to when emotions run high, warning of expected changes, and gradually approaching anxiety-provoking tasks or situations using small, manageable steps.
  • You learned about some actions to take when you’re worried about a student, including observing and documenting concerns, knowing what external supports are available in your area, and working collaboratively with counsellors and other mental health professionals.
  • You reviewed, practised and reflected on the EASE lesson Coping Cards, and read how other educators use this lesson.
  • You read about supporting parents and caregivers by communicating openly, showing compassion for their situation, and modelling coping strategies that work at school.
  • You saw some of the routines Mrs. Lee and Mr. Joseph use and identified one new thing you can do to add to the supportive environment at your school.


What are two things you’ve learned in EASE Online that will impact your daily interactions with students and colleagues? Record your response using Take Notes or another format of your choice.