This series of informational videos and resources were specifically designed for B.C. educators with the aim to reduce stigma and build their capacity to identify and respond to youth experiencing suicidal and self-harm behaviours.
These evidence-informed resources were informed in collaboration with a B.C. psychiatrist who specializes in youth suicide and self-harm, and B.C. educators.
How to recognize non-suicidal self-injury and suicidal ideation in students
In this video, Dr. Black, a suicide expert and psychiatrist, along with B.C. educators, discuss the important role that schools have in supporting students experiencing non-suicidal self-injury and suicidal ideation. Learn some of the warning signs that a student may demonstrate and how to respond effectively.
Recognizing non-suicidal self-injury and suicidal ideation (PDF)
How to engage with students
Having a conversation with a student about non-suicidal self-injury and/or suicidal ideation can be difficult. In this video, Dr. Tyler Black, a suicide expert and psychiatrist, and educators speak to the relief that students experience when educators initiate genuine, caring conversations. Learn some helpful strategies that may make approaching a student easier and learn when to refer a student to a mental health professional.
Engaging in critical conversations (PDF)
How to support a student returning to school after a mental health absence
Teacher support and encouragement can make a positive difference in a student’s successful return to school after being away due to mental health concerns. Learn the importance of a team approach and developing a student centered, collaborative plan.
Supporting students returning from mental health absences (PDF)
Educator self-care
Supporting someone experiencing suicidal ideation and non-suicidal self-injury can be emotionally challenging. It’s important to recognize when your own wellness is being impacted. Supporting educator self-care is a dual responsibly between educators and school leadership.
Educator self-care (PDF)
For administrators
Engaging in critical conversations about suicidality and self-harm (PowerPoint slide deck)
Additional resources
- Mental Health and Wellness Resources and Supports from Child and Youth Mental Health (PDF)
- erase – Expect Respect & A Safe Education
- Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention
- First Nations Health Authority - Suicide Prevention
- Suicide Prevention - Mental Health Commission of Canada
- A Life Promotion Toolkit by Indigenous Youth