Walking Alongside Youth with Anxiety

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A course for foster care providers and out-of-care/kinship care providers

There is a high prevalence of anxiety and vulnerability among Indigenous and non-Indigenous children and youth living in the care of the ministry and in out-of-care arrangements. 

Walking Alongside Youth (WAY) with Anxiety is a self-paced, culturally sensitive and trauma-informed online course and collection of resources designed specifically to meet the unique needs and lived experiences of B.C. foster caregivers and out-of-care/kinship care providers who are caring for Indigenous and non-Indigenous youth. 

WAY aims to build their mental health literacy and capacity to support Indigenous and non-Indigenous children and youth in their care who are experiencing mild to moderate anxiety. The course focuses on strengthening relationships, responding to youth in culturally safe and practical ways, and recognizing the importance of walking alongside youth. 

You will hear about lived experiences of anxiety from parents, care providers, youth, Elders and knowledge keepers, and engage in reflections and learning activities.


  •  Certificate of completion
  •  Traditional Indigenous perspectives

Course structure: 

  • Understanding Youth with Anxiety
  • Four Relational, Culturally Safe Approaches
  • Honouring Identity, Experiences and Family Traditions
  • Nourishing Youth with Anxiety through Relationship
  • Reducing Experiences That Fuel Anxiety
  • Restoring Conditions That Lead to Wellness, Resilience and Growth
  • Putting It All into Practice

Learning outcomes:

  • Understand how holistic, traditional Indigenous perspectives and established, contemporary scientific knowledges can support practical, culturally safe ways of caring for youth with anxiety who are living in foster care and out-of-care arrangements
  • Use relationship and culturally affirming approaches to support youth experiencing anxiety
  • Understand the signs and symptoms of anxiety so caregivers, care providers and kin can respond with confidence and in ways that are relational and that support well-being

WAY Anxiety FAQ:

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The WAY Anxiety online course is designed for B.C. foster caregivers and kinship/out-of-care care providers to support caregivers to gain skills and confidence in supporting youth in their care with anxiety. While it is designed for this specific audience, other care providers are also welcome to take it.

If WAY Anxiety is not showing up on your dashboard under “Registered Courses”, email

Pilot results indicated an average completion time of approximately three hours.

WAY Anxiety includes resources that are available for download throughout the course and as a package at the end of the course.

Yes. Once you have completed your course, you will see a “Print Your Certificate” button. You can also go to your dashboard and click the certificate icon next to the course title.
