A course for educators and school professionals:
Grades 8–12
Anxiety is normal—we all experience it from time to time. But if anxiety is intense, out of proportion to the threat, or long-lasting, it can interfere with our well-being. It can also impact students’ ability to learn and their success in school. It’s important to teach students both coping skills and how to manage everyday anxiety.
Everyday Anxiety Strategies for Educators (EASE) for grades 8–12 is an online course for educators and a collection of student and educator resources that introduce flexible, evidence-informed strategies for effectively managing everyday anxiety. The course and resources are designed to fit into existing classroom routines and practices.
You will complete interactive activities, watch videos and hear B.C. educators and students share their experiences with anxiety, and learn ways to incorporate EASE strategies in working with your students or in your classroom. The resources and activities are intended to help you further build a supportive learning environment for all students.
- Resource package including four Educator resources and seven resources for students
- Aligned with B.C. curriculum
- Certificate of completion
- Available in English and French
Course structure:
- Introducing EASE 8–12
- Supporting Mental Health in Schools
- Understanding Anxiety
- Anxiety in the Classroom
- More Classroom Strategies
- Putting It All Together
Learning outcomes:
- Understand anxiety and recognize it both in your students and in yourself
- Understand the difference between everyday and problem anxiety
- Understand the psychological theory that informs EASE and the cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) principles on which EASE is based
- Strengthen your mental health literacy
EASE 8–12 aligns with the B.C. government’s ongoing commitment to provide promotion, prevention and early intervention resources for the mental health and well-being of children and youth, their families, and the educators who support them. This commitment is reflected in the Ministry of Children and Family Development’s strategic priorities, the provincial mental health and addictions strategy, A Pathway to Hope, and the Ministry of Education’s Mental Health in Schools Strategy. For more information and resources to support mental health and well-being in schools, please visit erase (Expect Respect and a Safe Education).
EASE 8–12 FAQ:
Hidden accordion for closing.
B.C. educators and school-based professionals.
There are two courses available: one for grades K–7 and the other for grades 8–12. Both courses are also available in French: AISE m à 7 and AISE 8 à 12.
EASE 8–12 will only show up on your dashboard under “Registered Courses” if you are eligible. Currently only B.C. educators are eligible to take EASE 8–12. If you fall into this category, but don’t see EASE 8–12 on your dashboard, email OSBC.Online@gov.bc.ca.
The average completion time is approximately three hours; however, completion times may vary based on learning styles and degree of interaction.
EASE 8–12 classroom resources are available for download throughout the course and as a package at the end of the course.
Yes. Once you have completed your course, you will see a “Print Your Certificate” button. You can also go to your dashboard and click the certificate icon next to the course title.