Fight, Flight, Freeze: Anxiety Explained for Teens (video): Explains how anxiety is a normal biological response – called “fight, flight, freeze” – that can be triggered inappropriately
Helping Your Teen Calm Their Mind and Body (PDF): Information for parents and caregivers on relaxation strategies for teens
Helping Your Teen Cope with Worries and Unhelpful Thinking (PDF): Strategies for parents and caregivers to help their teen manage worries
Overcoming My Fears: Exposure (PDF): Strategies for overcoming fears
Challenge Negative Thinking (article): Questions to ask and a worksheet to help challenge negative thoughts or self-talk
How to Overcome Perfectionism (article): Explains the difference between high standards and perfectionism and provides steps for overcoming perfectionism
Problem Solve to Bust Stress (article): Provides parents and caregivers with simple steps for problem-solving
Telling Yourself Helpful Things (article): A tool for learning how to replace anxious thoughts with more helpful and comforting ones
Thinking Traps (article): Explains and provides examples of thinking traps
Calm Breathing (audio): A variety of short meditations to help with relaxation
Coping with Public-Speaking Nerves (PDF): A resource for students to help them understand and cope with public speaking nerves
Encouraging Your Teen to Face Fears (PDF): Information for parents and caregivers to help them understand their teens’ fears; includes tips on helping teens face their fears
Presentation Rehearsal Checklist (article): Information for students on how to develop an effective presentation, tame presentation anxiety, and deliver a presentation well
Public Speaking (audio): A short meditation for building public speaking confidence
Tense and Release (audio): A short meditation to help with relaxation
Getting Ahead of Procrastination (PDF): A resource for students to help them understand why they may procrastinate; offers tips for them to try instead
How to Overcome Perfectionism (article): Explains the difference between high standards and perfectionism, and provides steps for overcoming perfectionism
Inside the Mind of a Master Procrastinator (video): An entertaining explanation of why people procrastinate
Procrastination: Crash Course Study Skills #6 (video): Helps teens understand procrastination on a deeper level and offers some practical steps for overcoming it
Procrastination with Cristina Roman (podcast): The Teen Life Coach explains what procrastination is and how to overcome it
This Is How You Can Finally Get Something Done (article): A short article on how to complete tasks by organizing your time with the Pomodoro method
Helping Your Teen Calm Their Mind and Body (PDF): Information for parents and caregivers on relaxation strategies for teens
Helping Your Teen Cope with Worries and Unhelpful Thinking (PDF): Strategies for parents and caregivers to help their teen manage worries
Strategies for Dialing Down Test Anxiety (PDF): A resource for students with tips on reducing test anxiety
Test Anxiety (article): A resource intended to help students and parents better understand test anxiety; includes ways to help students cope with test anxiety and ultimately be successful in their courses (workbook also available as a downloadable PDF from Anxiety Canada)
Test Anxiety: Crash Course Study Skills #8 (video): Helpful tips and strategies for dealing with test anxiety
Audio Meditations (audio): A variety of short meditations to help with relaxation
Breathing Exercises to Calm Your Mind and Body (PDF): A resource for students on breathing exercises for relaxation
Breathr (app): Free app with guided mindfulness exercises
Guided Mindfulness Meditations (audio): Recordings by Dr. Dzung Vo
How to Do Progressive Muscle Relaxation (article): Information on progressive muscle relaxation
The Mindful Teen by Dr. Dzung Vo (book): Includes tips for teens on handling stress
Yoga for Teens (video): Yoga practice for teens from Yoga with Adriene
HealthyMindsBC provides evidence-informed prevention and early intervention tools and resources.
This site is for B.C. parents, caregivers, families, educators and other professionals to help them support the “everyday” mental health of children and youth.